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UBusiness integrates all the studies and services of the UManresa Business area. It works to create a meeting place between the university and the business world, blurring traditional boundaries and encouraging cooperation between both fields.


Official degree programmes

UManresa offers a degree in Business Administration and Management (ADE), another degree in Digital Society Management and two vocational training diplomas, one in Administration and Finance and the other one in International Trade. Together, they provide a varied offer to respond to the business sector's demand for qualified professionals for the different functional areas of companies. Learning by doing is the guiding thread of these studies and is specified through teaching methodologies that combine theory and practice: paid internships in companies, cold simulation activities (with computer simulators) and hot simulation activities (recreating real situations with actors), debates and professional skills training tests.


Lifelong learning


L'estudiantat del CFGS d'Administració i finances durant l'escape room

Through a wide range of courses, master’s degrees and postgraduate programmes, UManresa responds to the training needs of qualified professionals to meet the demands of the business world. In an increasingly demanding and changing environment, knowledge has become a decisive factor in adaptability to the world of work. In this sense, training has become an activity that will extend throughout our lives, either to update knowledge, to acquire a higher degree of specialisation or to simply enjoy the act of learning.

Màsters i postgraus

Formació d'especialització / actualització


Business services

As far as organisations are concerned, the area of ​​training and talent development is currently adopting an increasingly strategic role. This is why UManresa promotes comprehensive, integrative, personalised and professional programmes which have a double impact: on the one hand, on the commitment of professionals in their continuous improvement objectives and, on the other, on the levels of excellence and competitiveness of companies. It is for this reason that we offer in-company training tailored to the specific needs of each business, consultancy services and language classes.

We combine expertise in the area of ​​human resources with sectoral business knowledge with the aim of offering solutions to all kinds of projects related to the human dimension of any organisation. We carry out:

  • Corporate consulting
  • Organisational consulting
  • Talent and development consulting

UEmpresa Consulting


We organise training programmes tailored to the specific needs of each company, and we can also manage the application process for training-related subsidies of employees from the State Foundation for Workforce Training, at no charge. We incorporate simulation through CISARC Business, a methodology that promotes learning and requires participants to go through a process of recognition and integration of their skills.

Describe a challenge you are facing, and we will help you to overcome it!



In collaboration with UManresa's Language Service, we can offer you different in-company language training options in a face-to-face, online or blended format.

UIdiomes Corporate


jove amb ordinador


Sessió formativa per a comandaments intermedis d'empreses del programa ADE Prèmium



University – Business Programmes

jornada DENSO

Conferència Niño Becerra

UBusiness consists of an area of cooperation between the University and Companies, where the boundaries between the two worlds are blurred. This allows them to collaborate with the common goal of fostering professional talent and focusing on innovation and the identification and exploration of new needs to give economically and socially viable answers.

Premium Programme

The Premium programme is closely linked to the degree in Business Studies. It provides companies with the opportunity to participate in the design of the students' training experience and offer them internships at different periods along their training route. On the other hand, it also allows students to participate in paid in-company internships as well as improving their English during the four years of the degree and studying a second foreign language, from the third year onwards.

Programa Prèmium


Business dual vocational training programme

The UManresa Professional Campuses has two vocational training diplomas (CFGS) in the area of ​​Business Studies: one in Administration and Finance and another in International Trade. Both are taught in a dual format with in-company training. The framework of this means that students acquire part of their professional skills in the actual workplace, with the support and monitoring of a company tutor.


Job vacancies

UManresa has a vacancy board which provides easy access to job offers and internships for students and former students, both in the local area and in other countries. For companies, it is an open door for hiring talent freshly trained at the University.

Vacancy board


The Young Tribune

The Young Tribune is an initiative aimed at students studying economics in their sixth form and all vocational training students whose studies are related to the world of business management. The aim is to create a space for reflection and learning among young people, to disseminate professional practices based on ethics and values, ​​and to do so through innovative training experiences which contribute to transforming their economic and social outlook.




Research, Innovation and Transfer Services

CISARC Business - Centre for Innovation in Simulation

The CISARC provides companies from all sectors with technologically equipped facilities and simulation methodological knowledge for the training of relational and managerial skills. It prepares cases tailored to each need to improve the efficiency of the work of multidisciplinary teams and to develop transversal skills such as leadership, communication, negotiation, conflict management or decision-making, among others.

CISARC Business


MAP+ Project

MAP+ is an initiative that brings together the expertise of different institutions to develop a hub of innovation and technology at the service of personalised medicine and healthcare. The collaborating institutions: the Althaia Foundation, Avinent and the Bages University Foundation – UManresa, work together to create an ecosystem that integrates companies, universities, administrations and social organisations around the use of new technologies in the healthcare and social sectors.



Chair of Leadership in Values

The Leadership in Values ​​Chair works to contribute to building a better world from the point of view of organisations. It is an academic space, based on scientific rigour, which does not shy away from the development of practical models which can be transferred to everyday life. It is an entity that promotes reflection and the generation of knowledge and, at the same time, is a promoter and a voice of everyday gestures, which may be small or large, but are all transcendent in the aim of building a more ethical society (encompassing the areas of economy, education, healthcare, sport, culture and so on).


CISARC Business


Dona treballant a l'ordinador

Premium Companies

Contact with us

Edifici FUB2
Avinguda Bases de Manresa, 1
08242 Manresa
T. (+34) 93 875 73 88

Send us an email



Fotografia dels guanyadors del Premi a Iniciatives de Desenvolupament Empresarial 2022

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Lluís Blancafort durant la defensa de la tesi doctoral

Excel·lent cum laude per a la tesi del docent de la Facultat de Ciències Socials, Lluís Blancafort

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Participants en la Demo Day d'eHealthinking

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Primera experiència Erasmus del Campus Professional UManresa

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